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class QiskitRuntimeService(channel=None, token=None, url=None, filename=None, name=None, instance=None, proxies=None, verify=None, channel_strategy=None, private_endpoint=None)

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Class for interacting with the Qiskit Runtime service.

QiskitRuntimeService constructor

An account is selected in the following order:

  • Account with the input name, if specified.
  • Default account for the channel type, if channel is specified but token is not.
  • Account defined by the input channel and token, if specified.
  • Account defined by the default_channel if defined in filename
  • Account defined by the environment variables, if defined.
  • Default account for the ibm_cloud account, if one is available.
  • Default account for the ibm_quantum account, if one is available.

instance, proxies, and verify can be used to overwrite corresponding values in the loaded account.


  • channel (Optional[Literal[‘ibm_cloud’, ‘ibm_quantum’, ‘local’]]) – Channel type. ibm_cloud, ibm_quantum or local. If local is selected, the local testing mode will be used, and primitive queries will run on a local simulator. For more details, check the Qiskit Runtime local testing mode documentation.
  • token (Optional[str]) – IBM Cloud API key or IBM Quantum API token.
  • url (Optional[str]) – The API URL. Defaults to in a new tab) (ibm_cloud) or in a new tab) (ibm_quantum).
  • filename (Optional[str]) – Full path of the file where the account is created. Default: _DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_CONFIG_JSON_FILE
  • name (Optional[str]) – Name of the account to load.
  • instance (Optional[str]) – The service instance to use. For ibm_cloud runtime, this is the Cloud Resource Name (CRN) or the service name. For ibm_quantum runtime, this is the hub/group/project in that format.
  • proxies (Optional[dict]) – Proxy configuration. Supported optional keys are urls (a dictionary mapping protocol or protocol and host to the URL of the proxy, documented at in a new tab)), username_ntlm, password_ntlm (username and password to enable NTLM user authentication)
  • verify (Optional[bool]) – Whether to verify the server’s TLS certificate.
  • channel_strategy (Optional[str]) – Error mitigation strategy.
  • private_endpoint (Optional[bool]) – Connect to private API URL.


An instance of QiskitRuntimeService or QiskitRuntimeLocalService for local channel.


IBMInputValueError – If an input is invalid.



Return the channel type used.

Return type



The channel type used.


Default value: None




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Return the IBM Quantum account currently in use for the session.

Return type

Optional[Dict[str, str]]


A dictionary with information about the account currently in the session.


backend(name=None, instance=None, use_fractional_gates=False)

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Return a single backend matching the specified filtering.


  • name (Optional[str]) – Name of the backend.
  • instance (Optional[str]) – This is only supported for ibm_quantum runtime and is in the hub/group/project format. If an instance is not given, among the providers with access to the backend, a premium provider will be prioritized. For users without access to a premium provider, the default open provider will be used.
  • use_fractional_gates (bool) – Set True to allow for the backends to include fractional gates in target. Currently this feature cannot be used simulataneously with dynamic circuits, PEC, PEA, or gate twirling. When this flag is set, control flow instructions are automatically removed from the backend target. When you use the dynamic circuits feature (e.g. if_else) in your algorithm, you must disable this flag to create executable ISA circuits. This flag might be modified or removed when our backend supports dynamic circuits and fractional gates simultaneously.


A backend matching the filtering.

Return type



QiskitBackendNotFoundError – if no backend could be found.


backends(name=None, min_num_qubits=None, instance=None, dynamic_circuits=None, filters=None, *, use_fractional_gates=False, **kwargs)

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Return all backends accessible via this account, subject to optional filtering.


  • name (Optional[str]) – Backend name to filter by.

  • min_num_qubits (Optional[int]) – Minimum number of qubits the backend has to have.

  • instance (Optional[str]) – This is only supported for ibm_quantum runtime and is in the hub/group/project format.

  • dynamic_circuits (Optional[bool]) – Filter by whether the backend supports dynamic circuits.

  • filters (Optional[Callable[[IBMBackend], bool]]) –

    More complex filters, such as lambda functions. For example:

        filters=lambda b: b.max_shots > 50000
        filters=lambda x: ("rz" in x.basis_gates )
  • use_fractional_gates (bool) – Set True to allow for the backends to include fractional gates in target. Currently this feature cannot be used simulataneously with dynamic circuits, PEC, PEA, or gate twirling. When this flag is set, control flow instructions are automatically removed from the backend target. When you use the dynamic circuits feature (e.g. if_else) in your algorithm, you must disable this flag to create executable ISA circuits. This flag might be modified or removed when our backend supports dynamic circuits and fractional gates simultaneously.

  • **kwargs

    Simple filters that require a specific value for an attribute in backend configuration or status. Examples:

    # Get the operational real backends
    QiskitRuntimeService.backends(simulator=False, operational=True)
    # Get the backends with at least 127 qubits
    # Get the backends that support OpenPulse

    For the full list of backend attributes, see the IBMBackend class documentation <api/qiskit/providers_models>

Return type



The list of available backends that match the filter.


  • IBMInputValueError – If an input is invalid.
  • QiskitBackendNotFoundError – If the backend is not in any instance.



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Check the number of pending jobs and wait for the oldest pending job if the maximum number of pending jobs has been reached.

Return type



static delete_account(filename=None, name=None, channel=None)

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Delete a saved account from disk.


  • filename (Optional[str]) – Name of file from which to delete the account.
  • name (Optional[str]) – Name of the saved account to delete.
  • channel (Optional[Literal[‘ibm_cloud’, ‘ibm_quantum’, ‘local’]]) – Channel type of the default account to delete. Ignored if account name is provided.

Return type



True if the account was deleted. False if no account was found.



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Delete a runtime job.

Note that this operation cannot be reversed.


job_id (str) – ID of the job to delete.


  • RuntimeJobNotFound – If the job doesn’t exist.
  • IBMRuntimeError – If the request failed.

Return type



get_backend(name=None, **kwargs)

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Return a single backend matching the specified filtering.

Return type




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Return the IBM Quantum instances list currently in use for the session.

Return type



A list with instances currently in the session.



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Retrieve a runtime job.


job_id (str) – Job ID.

Return type

Union[RuntimeJob, RuntimeJobV2]


Runtime job retrieved.


  • RuntimeJobNotFound – If the job doesn’t exist.
  • IBMRuntimeError – If the request failed.


jobs(limit=10, skip=0, backend_name=None, pending=None, program_id=None, instance=None, job_tags=None, session_id=None, created_after=None, created_before=None, descending=True)

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Retrieve all runtime jobs, subject to optional filtering.


  • limit (Optional[int]) – Number of jobs to retrieve. None means no limit.
  • skip (int) – Starting index for the job retrieval.
  • backend_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the backend to retrieve jobs from.
  • pending (Optional[bool]) – Filter by job pending state. If True, ‘QUEUED’ and ‘RUNNING’ jobs are included. If False, ‘DONE’, ‘CANCELLED’ and ‘ERROR’ jobs are included.
  • program_id (Optional[str]) – Filter by Program ID.
  • instance (Optional[str]) – This is only supported for ibm_quantum runtime and is in the hub/group/project format.
  • job_tags (Optional[List[str]]) – Filter by tags assigned to jobs. Matched jobs are associated with all tags.
  • session_id (Optional[str]) – Job ID of the first job in a runtime session.
  • created_after (Optional[datetime]) – Filter by the given start date, in local time. This is used to find jobs whose creation dates are after (greater than or equal to) this local date/time.
  • created_before (Optional[datetime]) – Filter by the given end date, in local time. This is used to find jobs whose creation dates are before (less than or equal to) this local date/time.
  • descending (bool) – If True, return the jobs in descending order of the job creation date (i.e. newest first) until the limit is reached.

Return type

List[Union[RuntimeJob, RuntimeJobV2]]


A list of runtime jobs.


IBMInputValueError – If an input value is invalid.


least_busy(min_num_qubits=None, instance=None, filters=None, **kwargs)

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Return the least busy available backend.


  • min_num_qubits (Optional[int]) – Minimum number of qubits the backend has to have.

  • instance (Optional[str]) – This is only supported for ibm_quantum runtime and is in the hub/group/project format.

  • filters (Optional[Callable[[IBMBackend], bool]]) –

    Filters can be defined as for the backends() method. An example to get the operational backends with 5 qubits:

    QiskitRuntimeService.least_busy(n_qubits=5, operational=True)

Return type



The backend with the fewest number of pending jobs.


QiskitBackendNotFoundError – If no backend matches the criteria.


run(program_id, inputs, options=None, callback=None, result_decoder=None, session_id=None, start_session=False)

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Execute the runtime program.


  • program_id (str) – Program ID.

  • inputs (Dict) – Program input parameters. These input values are passed to the runtime program.

  • options (Union[RuntimeOptions, Dict, None]) – Runtime options that control the execution environment.

  • callback (Optional[Callable]) –

    Callback function to be invoked for any interim results and final result. The callback function will receive 2 positional parameters:

    1. Job ID
    2. Job result.
  • result_decoder (Union[Type[ResultDecoder], Sequence[Type[ResultDecoder]], None]) – A ResultDecoder subclass used to decode job results. If more than one decoder is specified, the first is used for interim results and the second final results. If not specified, a program-specific decoder or the default ResultDecoder is used.

  • session_id (Optional[str]) – Job ID of the first job in a runtime session.

  • start_session (Optional[bool]) – Set to True to explicitly start a runtime session. Defaults to False.

Return type

Union[RuntimeJob, RuntimeJobV2]


A RuntimeJob instance representing the execution.


  • IBMInputValueError – If input is invalid.
  • RuntimeProgramNotFound – If the program cannot be found.
  • IBMRuntimeError – An error occurred running the program.


static save_account(token=None, url=None, instance=None, channel=None, filename=None, name=None, proxies=None, verify=None, overwrite=False, channel_strategy=None, set_as_default=None, private_endpoint=False)

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Save the account to disk for future use.


  • token (Optional[str]) – IBM Cloud API key or IBM Quantum API token.
  • url (Optional[str]) – The API URL. Defaults to in a new tab) (ibm_cloud) or in a new tab) (ibm_quantum).
  • instance (Optional[str]) – The CRN (ibm_cloud) or hub/group/project (ibm_quantum).
  • channel (Optional[Literal[‘ibm_cloud’, ‘ibm_quantum’, ‘local’]]) – Channel type. ibm_cloud or ibm_quantum.
  • filename (Optional[str]) – Full path of the file where the account is saved.
  • name (Optional[str]) – Name of the account to save.
  • proxies (Optional[dict]) – Proxy configuration. Supported optional keys are urls (a dictionary mapping protocol or protocol and host to the URL of the proxy, documented at in a new tab)), username_ntlm, password_ntlm (username and password to enable NTLM user authentication)
  • verify (Optional[bool]) – Verify the server’s TLS certificate.
  • overwrite (Optional[bool]) – True if the existing account is to be overwritten.
  • channel_strategy (Optional[str]) – Error mitigation strategy.
  • set_as_default (Optional[bool]) – If True, the account is saved in filename, as the default account.
  • private_endpoint (Optional[bool]) – Connect to private API URL.

Return type



static saved_accounts(default=None, channel=None, filename=None, name=None)

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List the accounts saved on disk.


  • default (Optional[bool]) – If set to True, only default accounts are returned.
  • channel (Optional[Literal[‘ibm_cloud’, ‘ibm_quantum’, ‘local’]]) – Channel type. ibm_cloud or ibm_quantum.
  • filename (Optional[str]) – Name of file whose accounts are returned.
  • name (Optional[str]) – If set, only accounts with the given name are returned.

Return type



A dictionary with information about the accounts saved on disk.


ValueError – If an invalid account is found on disk.



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Return monthly open plan usage information.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


Dict with usage details.


IBMInputValueError – If method is called when using the ibm_cloud channel