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class PauliLindbladError(generators, rates)

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A Pauli error channel generated by a Pauli Lindblad dissipators.

This operator represents an N-qubit quantum error channel E(ρ)=ejrjDPj(ρ)E(\rho) = e^{\sum_j r_j D_{P_j}}(\rho) generated by Pauli Lindblad dissipators DP(ρ)=PρPρD_P(\rho) = P \rho P - \rho, where PjP_j are N-qubit Pauli operators.

The list of Pauli generator terms are stored as a PauliList and can be accessed via the generators attribute. The array of dissipator rates rjr_j can be accessed via the rates attribute.

The equivalent Pauli error channel can be constructed as a composition of single-Pauli channel terms

E=ejrjDPj=jerjDPj=prodj((1pj)SI+pjSPj)E = e^{\sum_j r_j D_{P_j}} = \prod_j e^{r_j D_{P_j}} = prod_j \left( (1 - p_j) S_I + p_j S_{P_j} \right)

where pj=1212e2rjp_j = \frac12 - \frac12 e^{-2 r_j} [1].


  • generators (PauliList) – A list of the Pauli Lindblad generators for the error channel.
  • rates (Sequence[float]) – A list of the rates for the Pauli-Lindblad generators.


ValueError – If generators and rates have different lengths.


  1. E. van den Berg, Z. Minev, A. Kandala, K. Temme, Probabilistic error cancellation with sparse Pauli–Lindblad models on noisy quantum processors, Nature Physics volume 19, pages1116–1121 (2023). arXiv:2201.09866 [quant-ph](opens in a new tab)



The Pauli Lindblad generators of this PauliLindbladError.

Return type



The number of qubits in this PauliLindbladError.

Return type



The Lindblad generator rates of this quantum error.

Return type

ndarray(opens in a new tab)[Any, dtype(opens in a new tab)[float64]]
