class qiskit.primitives.BaseEstimatorV2
Bases: ABC
Estimator V2 base class.
An estimator estimates expectation values for provided quantum circuit and observable combinations.
An Estimator implementation must treat the run()
method precision=None
kwarg as using a default precision
value. The default value and methods to set it can be determined by the Estimator implementor.
abstract run(pubs, *, precision=None)
Estimate expectation values for each provided pub (Primitive Unified Bloc).
- pubs (Iterable[EstimatorPubLike]) – An iterable of pub-like objects, such as tuples
(circuit, observables)
or(circuit, observables, parameter_values)
. - precision (float | None) – The target precision for expectation value estimates of each run Estimator Pub that does not specify its own precision. If None the estimator’s default precision value will be used.
A job object that contains results.
Return type