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class qiskit.providers.models.GateConfig(name, parameters, qasm_def, coupling_map=None, latency_map=None, conditional=None, description=None)

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Class representing a Gate Configuration


the gate name as it will be referred to in OpenQASM.


variable names for the gate parameters (if any).


definition of this gate in terms of OpenQASM 2 primitives U and CX.

Initialize a GateConfig object

Deprecated since version 1.2

The class qiskit.providers.models.backendconfiguration.GateConfig is deprecated as of qiskit 1.2. It will be removed in the 2.0 release. The models in qiskit.providers.models are part of the deprecated BackendV1 workflow and no longer necessary for BackendV2. If a user workflow requires these representations it likely relies on deprecated functionality and should be updated to use BackendV2.


  • name (str(opens in a new tab)) – the gate name as it will be referred to in OpenQASM.
  • parameters (list(opens in a new tab)) – variable names for the gate parameters (if any) as a list of strings.
  • qasm_def (str(opens in a new tab)) – definition of this gate in terms of OpenQASM 2 primitives U and CX.
  • coupling_map (list(opens in a new tab)) – An optional coupling map for the gate. In the form of a list of lists of integers representing the qubit groupings which are coupled by this gate.
  • latency_map (list(opens in a new tab)) – An optional map of latency for the gate. In the the form of a list of lists of integers of either 0 or 1 representing an array of dimension len(coupling_map) X n_registers that specifies the register latency (1: fast, 0: slow) conditional operations on the gate
  • conditional (bool(opens in a new tab)) – Optionally specify whether this gate supports conditional operations (true/false). If this is not specified, then the gate inherits the conditional property of the backend.
  • description (str(opens in a new tab)) – Description of the gate operation



classmethod from_dict(data)

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Create a new GateConfig object from a dictionary.


data (dict(opens in a new tab)) – A dictionary representing the GateConfig to create. It will be in the same format as output by to_dict().


The GateConfig from the input dictionary.

Return type




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Return a dictionary format representation of the GateConfig.


The dictionary form of the GateConfig.

Return type

dict(opens in a new tab)