class qiskit.qobj.PulseQobjExperimentConfig(qubit_lo_freq=None, meas_lo_freq=None, **kwargs)
Bases: QobjDictField
A config for a single Pulse experiment in the qobj.
Instantiate a PulseQobjExperimentConfig object.
The class qiskit.qobj.pulse_qobj.PulseQobjExperimentConfig
is deprecated as of qiskit 1.2. It will be removed in the 2.0 release. The Qobj class and related functionality are part of the deprecated BackendV1 workflow, and no longer necessary for BackendV2. If a user workflow requires Qobj it likely relies on deprecated functionality and should be updated to use BackendV2.
- qubit_lo_freq (List[float]) – List of qubit LO frequencies in GHz.
- meas_lo_freq (List[float]) – List of meas readout LO frequencies in GHz.
- kwargs – Additional free form key value fields to add to the configuration
classmethod from_dict(data)
Create a new QobjHeader object from a dictionary.
data (dict) – A dictionary representing the QobjHeader to create. It will be in the same format as output by to_dict()
The QobjDictField from the input dictionary.
Return type