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class qiskit.qobj.QasmQobjInstruction(name, params=None, qubits=None, register=None, memory=None, condition=None, conditional=None, label=None, mask=None, relation=None, val=None, snapshot_type=None)

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Bases: object(opens in a new tab)

A class representing a single instruction in an QasmQobj Experiment.

Instantiate a new QasmQobjInstruction object.

Deprecated since version 1.2

The class qiskit.qobj.qasm_qobj.QasmQobjInstruction is deprecated as of qiskit 1.2. It will be removed in the 2.0 release. The Qobj class and related functionality are part of the deprecated BackendV1 workflow, and no longer necessary for BackendV2. If a user workflow requires Qobj it likely relies on deprecated functionality and should be updated to use BackendV2.


  • name (str(opens in a new tab)) – The name of the instruction
  • params (list(opens in a new tab)) – The list of parameters for the gate
  • qubits (list(opens in a new tab)) – A list of int representing the qubits the instruction operates on
  • register (list(opens in a new tab)) – If a measure instruction this is a list of int containing the list of register slots in which to store the measurement results (must be the same length as qubits). If a bfunc instruction this is a single int of the register slot in which to store the result.
  • memory (list(opens in a new tab)) – If a measure instruction this is a list of int containing the list of memory slots to store the measurement results in (must be the same length as qubits). If a bfunc instruction this is a single int of the memory slot to store the boolean function result in.
  • condition (tuple(opens in a new tab)) – A tuple of the form (int, int) where the first int is the control register and the second int is the control value if the gate has a condition.
  • conditional (int(opens in a new tab)) – The register index of the condition
  • label (str(opens in a new tab)) – An optional label assigned to the instruction
  • mask (int(opens in a new tab)) – For a bfunc instruction the hex value which is applied as an AND to the register bits.
  • relation (str(opens in a new tab)) – Relational operator for comparing the masked register to the val kwarg. Can be either == (equals) or != (not equals).
  • val (int(opens in a new tab)) – Value to which to compare the masked register. In other words, the output of the function is (register AND mask)
  • snapshot_type (str(opens in a new tab)) – For snapshot instructions the type of snapshot to use



classmethod from_dict(data)

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Create a new QasmQobjInstruction object from a dictionary.


data (dict(opens in a new tab)) – A dictionary for the experiment config


The object from the input dictionary.

Return type




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Return a dictionary format representation of the Instruction.


The dictionary form of the QasmQobjInstruction.

Return type

dict(opens in a new tab)